Klaus Schwärzler Signature Alpenblech

The lighter Alpenblech hornbeam model, with its bright, open sound, is designed for playing on drum set and set-up.
Klaus Schwärzler Signature Alpenblech 
  • Usage: Orchestra
  • Type of wood: hornbeam / thin lacquered 
  • Length: 39.4 cm 
  • Diameter handle (tip): 15.7 mm 
  • Diameter mallet head (ball): 11 mm 
  • Weight/ piece: 55 - 57 g 
  • Weight and pitch matched
Klaus Schwärzler

Klaus Schwärzler is principal percussionist in the Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra and Professor of Percussion at the Zurich University of the Arts. Also proficient on the accordion, he is founder and leader of the "Alpenblech" band, where he demonstrates his prowess on percussion.

His two stick models differ only in the type of wood used, which are distinct in weight and sound.

The spherical tip gives a succinct attack on both cymbal and snare-drum.
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